Being a small business owner will allow you to mix some personal and business finances. Nobody wants to spend time going through their entire shopping list and personal transactions to search for that specific business transaction. It’s easy to avoid all the hassle by opening a brand new account just for your business.
While some people enjoy a little clutter, others cannot work without their paperwork being neat and orderly. While this may be fine for you personally, it is not ideal when dealing with your books. If you have neat, tidy, and organised records, you will spend less time looking for them and can focus on what you really want to be doing. As the sneaky deadlines for filing your taxes approach, you will be grateful that you spent some time keeping records organized and neat.
Do whatever you need to do in order to remember the approaching deadline. Anything from a countdown to a reminder on your phone will work. The looming deadline for filing your taxes can cause stress, especially if it’s a last-minute rush because you forgot. The first step is actually quite simple. Set a deadline reminder so that you have enough time to fill out your tax return without mistakes. HMRC won’t bother you anymore, as your records will all be correct.
It’s not necessary to keep every receipt, but you should keep receipts that are related to your business so you can get reimbursed for expenses. This depends on what kind of business you run. For example, if you are working at home, you could claim domestic bills. You can claim back anything, from stationery to stamps. Keep track of business purchases and expenses. File them into those tidy and neat records that we talked about earlier.
In order to achieve growth, you need goals. You cannot achieve growth if your future vision and objectives are not clear. Dream big. It doesn’t matter where you are now, but it is the only way to achieve milestones in your business. Set small, achievable, and realistic goals. Success in small business leads to huge business growth.
Taxman will take a portion of your profits, even if you are making big money. It’s a good practice to budget this in advance so that at the end you aren’t shocked. You should know the exact tax types that apply to you, your business and yourself so you are prepared to pay them. Research all taxes, such as income tax and national insurance. Also, look into VAT and business rate.
You can find an app to do just about anything these days, which is why it’s not surprising that you have the option of downloading bookkeeping apps and accounting software in order to stay on top of your taxes, incomings and outgoings. You can now manage all your financial information much more easily. As the deadline for Making Tax Digital approaches, it’s important to start taking steps to make sure you are using technology that will help you keep track of all your finances and do your tax correctly. This makes the entire tax process much more efficient and effective.